Prime Care Hospice selects Nexus Health to survey their caregivers using Hospice CAHPS Live Call Survey
MIDDLETOWN, NY (August 1, 2023) – Prime Care Hospice, located in Pleasanton, California has selected Nexus Health Resources to provide their Hospice CAHPS survey by live phone calls.
Prime Care Hospice provides respectful and compassionate care to the clients and caregivers they serve and prioritize their comfort and health needs. “Our goal is to provide guidance and comfort to our patients and their families throughout their entire hospice experience,” said Carmen Ortiz of Plus Care Hospice.
Prime Care Hospice is committed to quality, patient, and caregiver-focused care, which will be measured through Hospice surveys performed by Nexus Health Resources.
The Nexus Health is a provider of HHCAHPS, Hospital CAHPS (HCAHPS), Hospice CAHPS and OAS CAHPS. Nexus Health also provides transitional care through live calls to patients after discharge to ensure the best possible outcomes.
“Organizations like Prime Care Hospice understand the importance of patient and caregiver satisfaction and feedback to improve their processes,” said Ryan Sparks, Chief Revenue Officer at Nexus Health Resources. “We are pleased for the opportunity to provide live phone callHospice CAHPS survey for their caregivers.”
About Prime Care Hospice
Prime Care Hospice ( commits to providing exceptional hospice care to individuals facing a life-limiting illness. We ensure that their care needs are met to improve their quality of life.
About Nexus Health Resources
Nexus Health Resources is a leading provider of transitional care software, services, and patient engagement for acute and post-acute care organizations facing the challenge of reducing unnecessary hospital readmissions and total medical spend. Through the Nexus Health Call Center® and our proprietary transitional care software platform, NexusConnexions, we assist providers with ensuring coordinated, quality health care during the important transition period from hospital or rehabilitation facility to home. Additionally, Nexus Health Academy® promotes patient engagement with condition-specific health literacy for patients and caregivers to assist in guiding recovery at home. Nexus Health Resources is a certified survey vendor for AHCA/NCAL CoreQ Survey, HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) Survey and Home Health CAHPS Survey, CAHPS Hospice Survey and OAS (Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery) CAHPS.
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